EarthCape Win Client has one unique feature: built-in GIS editor.
It is not intended to be a fully functional GIS application but it allows for some useful actions that can be done without leaving EarthCape and needing to export the data.
As in regular GIS application, layers can be loaded from external vector and raster files (most formats are supported), their basic settings manipulated (classifications, styles, etc.) and saved into the project file normally found under Geography/Map projects.
Georeferenced data (currently Units, Localities, LocalityVisits, and Projects) can be loaded as a separate layer.
Resulting map can be exported with a user defined resolution and size for printing (via File/Export to image).
Several actions to mention:
Map localities/units
Loads Localities or Units geometries that are inside the visible extent.
Get localities
Opens a list view of localities that are inside the visible extent.
New locality/unit
Lets you create a geometry for the Unit or Locality directly by drawing on the map
Opens a detail view (form) for the selected locality or unit geomtery
Export to vector
Exports selected Units or Locality layer to a vector file with an option to change the spatial reference.
Please note, that GIS module is only available on the Win client side of earthcape platform and on the Web side of things mapping is restricted to simple pins on the Google/Bing base maps as in this example:
One of the use cases is described here: using EarthCape in the field data collection.
Feel free to contact EarthCape Support with questions and suggestions regarding the use of GIS module.
*Screenshots from Heliconius and Åland databases.