KEW The Digitisation Project
KEW The Digitisation Project
KEW The Digitisation Project


  • desktop client application

    Windows client application is able to connect to local or remote database server, directly or through EarthCape Application Server

  • web server application

    Web client provides browser based access with most of the functionality retained and all data types can be not only browsed but also edited.

  • application server

    Database proxy service application.

  • multiple database back-end support

    MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite and 9 other database servers are supported (read more).

  • role based security and fine-grained permissions

    Multi user access is managed via role based permissions.
    Data type, record and field level permission control can be configured. Read more in documentation.

  • extensive data model

    Highly detailed database structure covers all aspects of biodiversity research. Customizable and extensible by end-users. Read more in documentation.


collections & observations

EarthCape Windows Client
  • sample tracking and observation database

    All data related to collections and observations can be organized in a common database.

  • built-in mapping

    Collections data can be mapped within EarthCape GIS module and exported to all vector formats (incl. Google Earth). Read more.

  • searching, filtering, sorting, and grouping

    Extensive tools for searching, grouping and filtering the data are available. Read more.

  • storage and loan management

    Museum management functionality includes loan management, specimen storage, and label/form printing.

  • accessioning

    Dedicated specimen accessioning coupled with staff and task management systems

  • Stocktaking (inventory)

    stocktaking tasks and reports

  • spatial information

    Full geometry information (polygon, line or point) can be stored with each record and used when mapping the data in GIS viewer.

  • paper based outputs

    Label designer with barcode support (24 types of 1 and 2D barcodes) can be effectively used to design and share label templates between researchers.


taxonomic workbench

  • synonymy

    Create a detailed database of synonyms. Check names validity against existing name services.

  • treatments

    Link taxonomic treatments to literature references.

  • reporting

    Taxon based reporting, distribution map creation and statistics features are available.

  • bibliography database

    Detailed reference records can be linked with other parts of the database. Literature module can be used to conduct rigorous taxonomic work, e.g. taxonomic revision.


geographic information system

  • field module

    Map and GPS assisted recording can facilitate field work.

  • export/import of vector files

    EarthCape biodiversity data can be exported to any vector format (SHP, MIF, KML, etc.). Locality and unit records can be automatically created from existing vector files incl GPX.

  • vector and raster layer support

    Map projects can combine layers of any GIS raster or vector formats from external files and services (WMS, WMTS).

  • design printed outputs

    From labels to full laboratory notebook contents.

  • rich functionality

    Other functionality includes mail merge, master-detail reports, table and multi-column reports, cross-tab and charted reports, print preview, document map and more.


molecular laboratory

  • lab notebook

    Lab activities and reaction parameters can be recorded. Built-in Word and Spreadsheet editors. Read more.

  • lab sample tracking

    DNA extracts and frozen samples can be stored and linked with the rest of the genetic and field data.

  • sequencing plate

    Auto arrangement of sample labels into a plate for further processing.


report designer

  • user friendly designer

    Intuitive, easy-to-use, powerful, adjustable and extremely functional report designer is available.

  • multiple export formats

    PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, TXT, CSV, XPS, XLS, XLSX, BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WMF are supported along with numerous specific export options.

  • label printing and barcodes

    Label printing functionality includes support for 1500 label types.
    Most popular barcode types are supported.



  • visual tools

    From dragging columns to changing input forms – users are able to create and change layouts at personal, group or application level.

  • application designer

    Built-in application admin model editor controls most aspects of windows and web application UI and functionality with no coding skills required.

  • layered architecture

    Administrators are able to control the configurations at application, role and user level.

  • view variants

    Variants of same data views can be configured, stored and shared across the platform.

  • validation rules

    Apart from default validation rules, users or administrators are able to create their own.



SPNHC 2022

Despite all the silence we have been extremely busy with several core developments and new projects including Kew Gardens and their Integrated Collection Management System implementation. Apart from tons of tweaks, improvements, and new features for the platform in general…
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Agile GBIF publishing

This post is a original 2019 GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge submission by EarthCape. More detailed and up to date description of the process can be found here. UPDATE (2019-10-23): GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge Results: EarthCape – 3rd Prize. Introduction GBIF…
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EarthCape Laboratory Module – Why?

It has been a popular request to extend core EarthCape functionality with a basic LIMS. Why on earth!? Broadly speaking, there were two main reasons. Current lab software is considered too “laboratory oriented” leaving field biologists missing a lot of…
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Hidden Win Client Gem: Built-in GIS Editor

EarthCape Win Client has one unique feature: built-in GIS editor. It is not intended to be a fully functional GIS application but it allows for some useful actions that can be done without leaving EarthCape and needing to export the…
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